eBooks & Whitepapers

Navigating Business Complexity A Whitepaper on Modern Enterprise Solutions (1)

In today's rapidly evolving business environment, complexity is an inevitable challenge that companies must address to remain competitive and deliver value to their customers.

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As businesses grow and evolve, the complexities of managing recurring revenue models increase significantly. A robust, efficient billing process is not just desirable—it's essential for sustainable growth and customer satisfaction.

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In today's subscription-driven business landscape, selecting the right subscription billing platform can be a game-changer. Whether you're a startup looking to monetize your offerings or an established enterprise aiming to optimize your subscription revenue, the choice of a billing platform is crucial.

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Ready to master the art of usage-based billing? MGI Research has found that over 70% of organizations cite data challenges as one of the key causes of business friction and project failure.

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As companies strive to boost revenue, deliver customer value, and stay competitive, they are increasingly embracing the potential of usage-based pricing. However, despite the growing recognition of its benefits, there is a lack of comprehensive guidance on the practical steps to launch, expand, and scale these intricate pricing models.

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In the intricate landscape of subscription businesses, a silent predator lurks – revenue leakage. Often unnoticed, revenue leakage stealthily erodes your hard-earned profits, leaving a trail of missed opportunities and diminished growth.

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Government CIOs must go on the offensive to lead digital transformation by focusing on the transforming Shared Service Organizations (SSO) from Simple Cost Allocation to the Value Based Service Optimization.

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From telecom, UCaaS and Broadband to IT Services and other industries, consumption and usage pricing models are radically changing the recurring revenue revolution, creating new opportunities for some and turbulent waters for others.

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The SaaS industry has experienced a significant shift in recent years, with recurring revenue models taking center stage. Subscription and usage-based pricing strategies have emerged as powerful tools for accelerating growth and driving success in the SaaS business landscape.

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Public sector shared services groups are increasingly tasked with managing expenditures, reducing costs, standardizing infrastructure and leading digital transformations to drive policies and standards across their organizations.

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Looking to unlock the full potential of your subscription business? Are you interested in discovering a pricing strategy that can maximize revenue, improve customer satisfaction, and drive business growth? Look no further than our latest ebook, “Unlocking Success: The Benefits of Usage-Based Pricing for Subscription Business Models.”

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Contrary to what many think, as-a-Service is not about how you deliver your offerings to the market. It’s a way to generate revenue – to grow your current revenue and generate new streams. You can take any product, service, or business offering that you deliver to your customers and transform it into an as-a-Service model.

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There are obvious challenges when shifting your business to a subscription model, however, what many organizations don’t consider is the hidden minefield of unexpected challenges once you commit to one. In our latest guide, we unpack the five questions every business transitioning to recurring revenue needs to ask before making that shift.

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MGI Research’s MarketLens™ Reports map a select group of billing software products against a set of coordinates that combines Billing Volume (BV) and Billing Complexity (BC) and Billing Complexity (BC) and Billing Agility (BA).

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Like many other departments, finance teams are facing complicated struggles in a quickly changing world, yet they’re contending with unique challenges all their own. Whether it’s the rapid evolution of technology, recurring revenue complexities, growing attrition rates or the wake of the global pandemic’s effect on personnel, finance teams have a rocky road ahead.

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Legacy platforms aren’t handling the shift from subscription to consumption billing well, leaving many organizations struggling with large amounts of complex data. In our guide, discover how to tackle this evolving paradigm, find a win-win solution for your customers and boost your bottom line in the process.

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For manufacturers, the time is now to move beyond subscription billing in order to maintain success and growth in the digital age. In our new guide, discover how customer demand in billing is evolving and how to prepare your manufacturing business for the coming changes.

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Maybe you’ve thought about transitioning to a subscription model or an “as-a-service” type of business because you’re interested in creating recurring revenue. Before you do, there’s a multitude of potential pitfalls that most companies making the switch haven’t even considered.

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Increased emphasis on agility in finance and sales operations is often seen strictly through the prism of increased speed metrics such as time to market and time to revenue.

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There’s little dispute that digital transformation has affected nearly every aspect of B2B commercial activity. Success in the digital economy requires that organizations move beyond traditional ways of doing business while accelerating market-facing responsiveness across all functional areas.

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Expanding into international markets can be a great way to scale growth for a business. However, attempting to reach these markets can highlight limitations around monetization capabilities for many companies. Some complexities that can stunt globalization strategies can include:

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Bad relationships with outdated software are causing your organization to miss new revenue opportunities. In our new guide, find out how your legacy billing platform is hurting your bottom line with missed new opportunities, and discover how to streamline your processes when your business has outpaced your current platform.


In our new guide, find out how to leverage the future of billing with a Marketplace and gain the insight you need for B2B monetization in the digital age. Don’t let outdated technology and processes hold your business back any longer – Marketplaces offer repeatable, sustainable, and significant sources of revenue.

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Market, Sell, Provision, Bill Customers, and Manage Partners with an Innovative All-In-One Platform

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If you are in the market for billing software, you know it’s an environment full of different terminology used to describe related ideas. Billing. Invoicing. Subscription Management.

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Subscription business models remain the holy grail of the modern economy. Customers expect it, investors value it and companies are looking for ways to leverage this concept.

Recognized by Industry Leaders in
Subscription Billing and Monetization

Recognized by Our Customers

From G2 to Capterra to SourceForge to FeaturedCustomers, our customers speak for us. 

Get beyond basic billing with a monetization
solution built for any scenario.

BluLogix delivers a subscription, usage-based, and consumption billing platform
that accelerates revenue growth, enables digital transformation, and empowers channels.