BluLogix Cloud Extensibility Platform (CEP)

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Customize Your Monetization Platform Quickly & Cost-Effectively

The BluIQ Cloud Extensibility Platform (CEP) is an all-in-one customization framework that leverages a low code model, designed to help companies swiftly and cost-effectively tailor their subscription management and billing systems to meet their unique business needs. Leveraging a model-driven platform with pre-built components, BluIQ CEP reduces development time and costs, allowing businesses to innovate and scale efficiently.

Integrate, Automated and build your end-to-end monetization process using BluLogix's Low Code Cloud Extensibility Platform

The BluIQ Cloud Extensibility Platform (CEP) offers a flexible, low-code framework to quickly and cost-effectively personalize your subscription management and billing system.

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Rapid Development Capabilities

Speed Up Your Development Process

BluIQ CEP enables developers to integrate pre-coded features effortlessly, reducing time to market by up to 80%. Deploy new functionalities swiftly and efficiently.

  • Integrate pre-coded features quickly
  • Use in-house or external resources
  • Accelerate development by up to 80%
  • Significantly reduce time to market
  • Avoid reinventing the wheel

Reduce Costs

Lower Engineering Time and Costs

BluIQ CEP significantly cuts down the time and costs needed to develop, maintain, and update code. Achieve substantial cost savings and maintain control over development processes.

  • Lower engineering costs
  • Reduce maintenance expenses
  • Control development processes
  • Utilize a flexible environment
  • Optimize resource allocation
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Configuration Over Customization

Tailor Your System to Meet Specific Business Needs

BluIQ CEP customization allows businesses to create personalized subscription management and billing experiences, ensuring a tailored user experience.

  • Personalized subscription management
  • Use advanced tools and SDKs
  • Configure custom objects
  • Meet specific requirements
  • Enhance user experience

Rapid Development

Accelerate development with pre-coded features, reducing time to market by up to 80%.

Cost Efficiency

Significantly lower engineering and development costs with pre-built components.

Low-Code Flexibility

Customize your system quickly and cost-effectively with a low-code framework.

Seamless Integration

Utilize powerful REST APIs for seamless third-party system integration.

Scalable Architecture

Scale your business effortlessly with a flexible and robust platform architecture.

Enhanced Productivity

Boost operational efficiency by automating and streamlining business processes.

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Personalized Experiences

Tailor subscription management and billing experiences to meet specific business needs.

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Intellectual Property

Develop and own your unique applications and functionalities for competitive differentiation.

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Resource Optimization

Optimize resource allocation and maintain control over your development processes.

Rapid Development Module

Accelerate Your Development Process

BluIQ CEP enables developers to integrate pre-coded features effortlessly, significantly speeding up the development process and reducing the time to market by up to 80%. With the seamless low-code environment, the CEP allows businesses to deploy new functionalities swiftly and efficiently.

  • Integrate pre-coded features quickly.
  • Use resources of your choice (in-house, SI, or BluLogix engineers).
  • Accelerate development by up to 80%.
  • Reduce time to market significantly.
  • Avoid reinventing the wheel or coding from scratch.
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Cost and Time Savings

Reduce Engineering Time and Costs

BluIQ CEP significantly cuts down the engineering time and costs needed to develop, maintain, and update code. By leveraging pre-built components and a flexible development environment, businesses can achieve substantial cost savings and maintain control over their development processes.

  • Lower engineering and development costs.
  • Reduce maintenance and update expenses.
  • Maintain control over the development process.
  • Utilize a flexible development environment.
  • Optimize resource allocation.

Configuration Over Customization

Tailor Your System to Your Needs

The Customization Module of BluIQ CEP allows businesses to create truly personalized subscription management and billing experiences. Using advanced tools, frameworks, and SDKs, developers can configure and build objects to meet specific business requirements, ensuring a tailored user experience.

  • Create personalized subscription management experiences.
  • Utilize advanced tools, frameworks, and SDKs.
  • Configure and build custom objects.
  • Meet specific business requirements.
  • Enhance user experience with tailored solutions.
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Seamless Integration

Streamline Business Processes

BluIQ CEP offers powerful REST APIs to facilitate seamless integration with third-party systems, ensuring that your billing system is aligned with other business processes, enhancing overall efficiency and enabling end-to-end intelligent billing solutions.

  • Integrate with third-party systems easily.
  • Utilize powerful REST APIs for data exchange.
  • Align billing systems with business processes.
  • Enhance overall operational efficiency.
  • Build end-to-end intelligent billing solutions.

Intellectual Property (IP) Development

Build and Own Your Competitive Advantage

With BluIQ CEP, businesses can create new applications, functionalities, and interfaces, ensuring competitive differentiation, empowering companies to develop and own their intellectual property, providing a significant edge in the market.

  • Develop new applications and functionalities.
  • Create custom interfaces.
  • Ensure competitive differentiation.
  • Own and manage your intellectual property.
  • Gain a significant market advantage.
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Discover how BluIQ CEP can transform your subscription management and billing system. Schedule a Demo now.

Recognized by Our Customers

From G2 to Capterra to SourceForge to FeaturedCustomers, our customers speak for us. 

Hear What Our Customers Have to Say About Us


Best Outsourced Billing for Mobility

“The full platform is very easy to use. Any changes that we find that we need to meet our specific needs can be requested. Most of these changes are made to the platform in relatively short order. We have multiple ways of contacting real people who can assist when we make errors in using the platform. Very responsive staff to all our needs.”
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Michael R.

President, Allnet Air Inc. - Telecommunications


Impressive and comprehensive billing and monetization platform

“Blulogix offers a very comprehensive solution to manage subscription billing, enterprise reporting and revenue recognition.”
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Kyle M.

Managing Partner - Computer Software


Mind blowing experience

“The most helpful tool is the CPQ function, as it allows me to charge various clients with varying invoicing information quickly. Every customer is charged only for the services they use each month.”
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Amalina T.

Professional Training & Coaching


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How BluIQ Helped a Telecom Provider Revolutionize Subscription & Billing

Learn how this client was able to double their revenue within three years, stemming the losses they had been experiencing from competitors who had launched subscription business lines, setting themselves up for multiple acquisitions as they move into M&A growth strategy in a quickly consolidating industry

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What UCaaS Providers Need to Look for in a Subscription Billing Platform

Unified Communications-as-a-Service providers are long time users of the subscription model, with heavy reliance on the usage-pricing approach, and as such, have significantly more complex requirements when it comes to billing.

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The Why’s of Channel Partnerships for Unified Communications-as-a-Service Providers

The UCaaS (Unified Communications-as-a-Service) industry often utilizes channel partnerships as a strategic approach to expand market reach, increase sales, and enhance customer support

Get beyond basic billing with a monetization
solution built for any scenario.

BluLogix delivers a subscription, usage-based, and consumption billing platform
that accelerates revenue growth, enables digital transformation, and empowers channels.