By BluLogix Team

The Usage Pricing Revolution: Managing Data to Unlock Success Join Our Webinar with MGI Research

Sign up now to learn more about how to implement usage based pricing models in our upcoming webinar with MGI Research. Register now!  

In today’s data-driven world, information is power, and harnessing that power can be a game-changer for businesses. Whether you’re in the world of technology, managed services, telecommunications, or any industry with a usage or subscription-based model, understanding how to leverage your usage to drive revenue growth is crucial. That’s why we’re excited to announce our upcoming webinar in collaboration with MGI Research, where we’ll explore the transformative potential of usage-based billing and best practices for integrating your data. 

A collection of recorded webinars and videos on Software-as-a-Service and Subscription Management

Why Data is Crucial to Usage-Based Pricing Models

In recent years, usage-based pricing has gained significant traction across various industries. This model allows businesses to tailor their pricing strategies based on how much a customer uses their products or services. It’s a win-win situation: customers pay for exactly what they use, and businesses can maximize their revenue potential. 

But inherent in usage-based pricing is data – and data can be dirty, disconnected, unavailable, and at a volume some billing systems cannot handle. Implementing and optimizing consumption pricing and billing can be a complex endeavor. That’s where data integration, normalization, rating and data staging & mediation come into play.  

What to Expect from the Webinar

Our webinar, hosted in collaboration with Igor Stenmark and Andrew Dailey of leading industry analyst firm MGI Research, promises to be a dynamic and informative event. Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect: 

  1. Expert Insights: The webinar will feature experts from both BluLogix and MGI Research, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience to the virtual stage. You’ll hear from thought leaders who have a deep understanding of usage-based pricing and data integration focused billing strategies.
  2. Real-World Examples: We believe in the power of practical knowledge. Throughout the webinar, we’ll share real-world examples and case studies to illustrate how data integration for usage-based pricing has transformed businesses across different industries.
  3. Actionable Strategies: Our goal is to provide you with actionable strategies that you can implement in your own organization. From data integration to rating and data staging & mediation strategies, you’ll gain insights into how to leverage consumption data for revenue growth.
  4. Interactive Q&A: Have burning questions about data and process automation or usage-based models? Our webinar includes an interactive Q&A session, giving you the opportunity to get answers to your specific inquiries.

Why You Should Attend

If you’re involved in finance and billing, pricing strategies, product management, revenue management, or data analysis within your organization, this webinar is tailor-made for you. Here are a few reasons why you shouldn’t miss it: 

  1. Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest trends and best practices in consumption billing. The business landscape is constantly evolving, and staying informed is key to staying competitive.
  2. Learn from Experts: Our webinar features industry experts who will share their insights and experiences. You’ll gain valuable knowledge from professionals who have successfully implemented data intensive usage billing implementations.
  3. Drive Revenue Growth: usage based pricing has the potential to significantly impact your organization’s bottom line. By attending the webinar, you’ll learn how to harness the power of data to drive revenue growth.
  4. Immediate Takeaways: We’re committed to providing actionable insights that you can implement right away. You’ll leave the webinar with strategies and ideas that can make a difference in your organization.


Our upcoming webinar with MGI Research is a must-attend event for anyone interested in unlocking the potential of usage-based pricing. Join us for an informative and interactive session that could pave the way for revenue growth and business transformation. 

Mark your calendar, register for the webinar, and get ready to embark on a journey into the world of usage pricing. We look forward to having you join us for this exciting event! 

A collection of recorded webinars and videos on Software-as-a-Service and Subscription Management